Welcome To Virtual Connections Academy
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! I hope everyone is relaxed and recharged after an exciting 2023-2024 school year! It was wonderful working with everyone over the past year and continuing to build a working relationship with you all in my role as the principal at Virtual Connections Academy! Dr. Garcia and I are so excited for what this new school year will bring! As always, we value and appreciate each one of you and we’re looking forward to another wonderful school year! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at mdoyle@virtualconnectionsacademy.net or Dr. Garcia at cgarcia@virtualconnectionsacademy.net.
Ms. Margaret Doyle
School Principal

Important Dates
1/6/25: Students not in Attendance/ Staff In-service day
1/7/25: Students Resume Classes
1/10/25: Transition Field Trip to MCC
1/20/25: No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
2/17/25: No School- President's Day
3/3/25: No School- Pulaski Day
3/14/25: End of Term 3 - Report Cards Sent
3/24/2025 - 3/28/2025 - Spring Break
M/T/W/F: 8:45am - 2:45pm
TH: 8:45am - 1:45pm
865 E. Wilmette Road, Palatine, IL 60074
Phone: 224-801-8821
Fax: 847-221-8366